McLuminations: McLuhan vs. McLuhan. The optimist and the monitor

Legendary McLuhanist Derrick de Kerckhove and Berlin-based McLuhan scholar Steffi Winkler elaborate on rare material from the McLuhan archives in the first session of the McLuminations screening and discussion series, produced by Baruch Gottlieb.

Initiated and directed by Baruch Gottlieb as a special series of events during the McLuhan Centennial Year 2011, McLuminations aims to extend and expand the new electronic media experience. According to McLuhan, people are now subjected to tremendous new influences of instantaneous media. Without any time for reflection or reaction, people get accustomed to a more inclusive, comprehensive and totally sensuous commitment. Through total involvement of their whole beings, people get out of the habit of establishing an individual critical approach. McLuminations hooks into this phenomena to grapple with and open out this in depth participation through reference to rare McLuhan video material.

Bild: Botschaft von Kanada Berlin
McLuminations #1: McLuhan vs. McLuhan. The optimist and the monitor, a speculative encounter. Mit Derrick de Kerckhove, Baruch Gottlieb und Steffi Winkler, 29. Mai 2011, im Rahmen des McLuhan in Europe 2011 Centennial Weekend, Marshall McLuhan Archiv, Marshall McLuhan Salon, Botschaft von Kanada Berlin

Script McLuminations: McLuhan vs. McLuhan. The optimist and the monitor, Mai 2011




